Elizabeth Thacher Kent to Jane Addams, September 20, [1903-1905?]


My dear Miss Addams—

I had a letter last week from Prof. Norton A. Kent, a cousin of Will's & a professor of chemistry in Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana. He tells me that they are about to start a much needed Social Settlement there & asks if I know of a man "preferably married" [page 2] who would take charge of it.

If you know of such a person will you write Mr Kent ↑at Crawfordsville↓ or put them in communication in some way?

As the letter was forwarded to me here from Chicago it is possible that they may have found some one already, but [although] they were anxious to do so as soon as possible it is not probable the place is filled for to hurry in such a matter is absurd. [page 3]

We have had a delightful summer and Mr Kent resents the prospect of taking up city life again. We start east this week, & the rest of us are glad to go home again.

Hoping you have had a restful season, [though] perhaps that is an impossible wish.

Yours sincerely

Elizabeth T. Kent


San Rafael, California

Sept. 20th.

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