January 31, 1924
Dear Miss Addams:
As you know, Miss Woods is "on circuit," doing every kind of work for the W.I.L.
I am enclosing a copy of the interpretation of the cable message on the program for the Congress. The next News Letter will carry that material.
We have had the usual delays in sending out the first News Letter, now on its way. The office here is organizing so that some of Miss Woods' manifold duties may be assigned to her lieutenants, which we are proud to be.
The work towards getting the United States to call a conference of the debtor and creditor nations is very stimulating. We have seen, or consulted in some way, Senator Pepper, Senator Shipstead, Senator Borah, Prof. William I. Hull of Swarthmore, Prof. J. Russell Smith of Columbia, Miss M. [Carey] Thomas of Bryn Mawr, Rev. Charles [Macfarland] of the Federation of the Churches of Christ, Mr. J. Henry Scattergood of the American Friends Service Committee, and Rev. Dr. John A. Ryan of the Catholic Welfare Commission, Mrs. Edgerton Parsons of the American Association of University Women, and have found them in accord with the plan for the conference. Many of them still need convincing either as to the existence of public opinion on the subject, or as to the possibility of [bringing] public opinion to bear on the President.
Even writing these names to you reacts on my own belief that there is this public opinion in the United States, and that it can be reached through the organizations or through other groups and individuals. I believe our task will grow lighter as we go on, for these leading people will [take] the matter of reaching their organizations off our hands. [page 2]
We are forming groups of young women in Philadelphia and New York, and are to form one in Washington next week. It is the young women who are to carry on the work of the W.I.L., and now is the time for them to begin.
I must just tell you again that a joy it is to me to be working under your direction. This means a thousand times more than the work of 1912 with the Progressive Party.
Yours sincerely,