Jane Addams to Clara Landsberg, September 10, 1910

Bar Harbor, Maine.

Dear Sister Clara

May I send you the copy of the guide as well as the enclosed letter. I am sorry that I won't be back until the morning of Oct. 8th but perhaps we can start our classes in the new sewing shop later than that. Frank reports that it is all in fine shape and while Mrs Russell Sage has not responded we may yet get some help from lesser benefactors. [page 2]

The last of the manuscript will get off on Monday or Tuesday and then the proof will begin to come in. Weber Linn who came up for my fiftieth birthday, thought that it was quite far from [switched?]. I have never written so slowly on anything but it is improved over last year. Do write me a word when you get back to H. H. as to its aspect. I suspect I am going to get pretty homesick as Sept moves on in spite of this wonderfully ↑beautiful↓ place. Mary seems well content with [page 3] Bethel and is certainly improving. 

My handwriting is still [shaky] so I am sure you will forgive this pencil and believe me always affectionately yours

Jane Addams 

Sept 10" 1910

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