December 26, 1923
My dear Mr. Kellogg:
A young man from the House accustomed to dealing with newspapers took "the message" to the Tribune who neither accepted it or rejected it ↑& didn't use it!↓ At the last minute he tried other newspapers with the result of this garbled column in the American. I should rather have it appear in the Survey than the Christian Century if you really care to have it and I am sending you a fresh copy with that in mind.
Could you not give it a little historic account by saying that Executive Committee of The Women's International League at the Conference held at The Hague last December formally requested me to write a Christmas message to the various sections. I accepted the commission but did not fulfill it until a year later and sent out the [enclosed] on Christmas Day to our various sections and corresponding societies, that you are reproducing it in the Survey in the hope that it may be of general interest ↑[illegible]↓.
Thank you very much for your kind telegram. I have had some nice things said about it by the few people that have seen it and ↑but↓ am nothing so grand as your Kipling phrase. Alas, I wish it were true.
With every possible good wish for the New Year, I am
Faithfully yours,
Jane Addams [signed]
Mr. Paul KelloggThe Survey
New York City