Jane Addams to Hannah Clothier Hull, March 23, 1923


March 23d 1923

My dear Mrs Hull

I am very grateful for your account of The Hague Congress which was sent to me here. After my visit with Emily Balch in Port Said, I seem to have lost all connection with the W.I.L.P.F. except one or two letters written soon after we sailed from France.

We enjoyed India and Burma very much [although] neither were so beautiful as this island of the real tropics. The Social Service Leagues and similar bodies have had me to speak in all the larger cities but they are [frankly] timid about "Peace" and we have but two little centers in India, the biggest are among the Theosophists near Madras. [page 2]

With cordial greetings to Mr Hull,

I am always devotedly yours

Jane Addams.