Comment at a Hull House Tea, February 22, 1920



Miss Jane Addams said at a Hull House tea:

"Girls are making a great success in the movie business, I see. They run these huge concerns quite as well as men do.

"The popular idea of the movie star is erroneous. The popular idea is illustrated in a story about a broker, who said:

"'Aha, here's a letter from Flo Fayre, the movie star'

"'A letter from Flo, eh?' said his partner, with a delighted chuckle. 'Well, she's a little beauty and we must do everything we can to oblige her. What's she say?'

"'She says,' answered the other broker, 'that we're to buy 5,000 shares of P.D.Q. for her at 45, sell at 70, and send round a check for the profits this evening before dinner.'"

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