Aug 7.
Dearest Clara
What an excitement your letter caused yesterday!
We are so happy that you are really going to Austria since you want it and have been meaning to go for so long, but no words will express the sense of desolation which settles down on us when we [page 2] think of the year without you. I really can't let myself look forward to the winter on Walton Place with no Clara to come in and out. J. A. and I have decided that it is like losing a mother and a child at once. You mean so much to Hull-House, to J. A. and to Eleanor and me that at this moment I can't detach myself from [page 3] narrow grief over your absence. With Alice in Boston and you in Vienna what will Hull-House be? It is too depressing to face.
But I am awfully glad this chance has come to you, Clara dear, and I think you are a perfectly grand "worker" for the Quakers. If only you are strong enough to do ↑it↓. I have my doubts about that but I will [page 4] smother them as you and Margaret and Alice are certainly able to decide. Please send us ↑the name of↓ your ship again. I've sent your letter to Eleanor and forgot to copy the ship.
I'm enclosing a [check] for you to spend either before you sail, or on small comforts in Austria. It isn't for your "cases" but I mean to [page 5] send you something for people you especially want to cherish, when you are settled. If I were one degree less feeble I'd go to New York to see you off. I can't bear to think of not seeing you before you sail. But if we go to Austria in the spring to the Women's International Conference you will be there and that is something to look forward to. [page 6]
I am really gaining steadily but it's disgraceful to be able to do so little and to spend month after month in this self-indulgent invalid's life.
J. A. is a perfect "care taker" and I am touched to the point of tears when I think of her goodness and Eleanor's and yours and Alice's -- Jane is going to write a [page 7] note to enclose in this.
My love to all your household and lots of love to you from
Your devoted old
M R S.