Amy Woods to Jane Addams, November 10, 1922

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

Nov. 10, 1922.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
[800 Halsted] St.,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

I have received all your letters and acted upon them as far as possible. I am writing for Mr. [Gannett] and The Nation today asking if it is possible for him to be sent to The Hague. Mrs. Abbie Scott [Baker] was here this morning. She is hoping to go to The Hague and to represent some New York newspapers. If she gets an assignment she will be on the boat with you.

I am sending you a separate list of contributors and checks.

We have attempted to get publicity into the newspapers but without great success. I shall send a release from Amsterdam tomorrow to our local Sections asking that a special person in each instance shall attempt to get them into the local papers by personal solicitation.

The more I consider the resolutions, the more I feel that there should be something more definite offered for a substitute of Military Guarantees to France. The fear either fostered or real, in France, is a concrete fact that we must recognize with definite suggestions if we are to make any impression upon the country. And I think we ought to be able to work out some form of economic guarantee which would cover the situation. I talked with Mrs. Mead about this and she is going to discuss it with Manley Hudson and I am going to try to see an International lawyer here. Would it not be possible to suggest that any nation should be economically boycotted and its population either placed on rations or else the boycott extended only to luxuries, so long as that nation attempted aggressive warfare on another without submitting the question to the Court of Arbitration or the International Court of Law?

On the question of Reparations I think we ought to have a definite statement of what we consider to be a fair basis on which those reparations should be determined.

I wonder if it possible for us to have Russian women at the Conference. I think there could be no better demonstration of the fact that we believe in the universality of the League of Nations than to have representation from all the countries at our Conference.


Amy Woods [signed]
National Secretary.

[written up right margin] ↑I think the collection of $4335 is splendid. I only wish I were a better money getter & could do more. I enclose $71 in small checks.↓

[written up left margin] ↑My dates are pretty well filled. I [will?] be in Chicago November 23rd and 24th if they want me.↓