65 South Hill Park, Hampstead, London.
June/5th 1909.
Dear Sir,
I beg to draw your attention to the enclosed Circular referring to the holding of a Universal Races Congress. The proposed Congress is the first of its kind, and every effort will be made that it should be successful in the best sense of the word. Already influential support has been promised from many sides, and there is every reason to think that the interest in the Congress is a rapidly growing one. The utmost will be done to procure the most eminent authorities as writers of papers, and to ensure that a high tone distinguishes the discussions. The fact that this Union also initiated the First International Moral Education Congress held in London last year at which twenty-two Governments had representatives, is some guarantee of the solidity of the undertaking.
At the present moment we are endeavoring to form a large General Committee, representative in the strictest and the fullest sense, and we should be grateful if you would kindly agree to be a member of this committee and fill in the form on p. 3. The Committee is primarily an honorary one. Its members are not committed to anything beyond sympathy with the object of the Congress; they have no financial responsibility of any kind; they are not bound to attend the Congress; and they will be only asked to decide on the final Programme and elect the London Executive. Nevertheless we should be glad to hear that you can in any way assist or take an active part, and we should be grateful for shorter or longer lists of persons whom you think should be invited to become members of the General Committee or of the Executive.
Thanking you in anticipation of a favorable and early reply,
I remain, Yours faithfully,