Maternity and Child Welfare Work.
1. The Mother! Schools for Mothers
[Prenatal] Clinics: Arrangements for Food etc. for Nursing Mothers:
2. The Baby Clinics, Baby’s Welcome, Health Visitors:3. The Toddler Clinics: Crèches: Nursery Schools.
4. The Results of this as shown in figures of Infant and Maternity Mortality: Gaps in the Work: Personal experience and development.
(b) The [Cooperative] Movement.
The History of the [Cooperative] Movement.
Growth: Figures as to Development: Extent of Business:
[Cooperative] Publications: Insurance: Banking:
The Women’s [ Cooperative] Guild
How they prepare women for public life and service: Their influence on Government:
[Cooperation] as an International Movement:
Possible development in the future.
(c) Trade Unions and the Labor Movement
Growth and influence of Trade Union movement:
Its origin, with special reference to the Lancashire Cotton Trade: Relations between men and women in the Trade Unions: Mixed Unions (men and women). Women’s Unions: Relation between men and women’s wages: Special reference to Lancashire Cotton Trades.
Political Labor Movement.
Origin, growth, strength, possible future. Position of women in the [Labor] Movement as City [Councilors], Members of Boards of Guardians, Candidates, etc; Some personalities I have met: Types. [page 2]
Old Age Pensions
Health Insurance Experiences on City Insurance Committee: Some Criticisms.
Unemployment Insurance: Statement as to extent of scheme: some omissions: necessary extensions.
Problems of War and Peace. Disarmament.
Movements in Britain against Militarism.
The Women of Europe and International Understanding.
Personal Impressions of the Vienna Congress of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, and of the Delegates.
The granting of the vote