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June 28, 1922.
Dear Madam,
I am extremely happy to receive your letter of April 29. [Forgive] me for the seeming negligence of my late reply. I had to go away for a month in Italy to make arrangements for our Holiday Courses in Varese and to spend some time in Genoa during the Conference. I suppose so and I am addressing this to you in Madrid.
Now in business!!
I am very happy that you are willing to take care of our work in Madrid and I ask you to push it as vigorously as possible. As far as I know there is no other person who wants to undertake it. Miss Landazuri warmly recommends you as collaborators for the League you, dear Madam, then Senora Cannellas, Senora Palencia, Senora Martinez Sierra. Are you in contact with all these ladies? In Barcelona the Accion Femmina group, of which Senora Cargemas is the president, takes the matter in hand. I [join] this the letter from their secretary Senora Tresseras and my reply.
We are busy at the moment with the business of our meeting in Varese. Tasks, I beg of you, to join us there and to send us Spaniards and Espagnolas there. It is by entering into personal contact that one can clearly realize what needs to be done, the most effective way of organizing oneself, and the means of helping one another mutually. I send you twenty copies of the announcement of the courses of Varese and [page 2] please make them known -- in the press, in person, among your friends, in universities and in the world of education which is known and open to you.
It is very good that you were able to speak with Mrs. Duchène. She is an extremely intelligent, loyal and good-willed woman, but she has suffered everything and still suffers so much that she loses a little of the faith, so necessary for active and fruitful work.
Miss Landazuri writes to me from Mexico that she thinks she can found a Mexican Section of our League there, as soon as the five women sent to the Pan-American Conference in Washington have returned. But I will send you with this a copy of his letter, which will interest you and you can even [perhaps] use it in the press.
I am also sending you a copy of memoirs from the Conseva Femmina of Mexico on the Moroccan war. This is a subject that is very close to my heart. I so wish that we women could help stop the bloodshed and bring peace. The sufferings of the prisoners of which the letters which you have had the kindness to send me speak, terrible as they are, are only a small part of it.
Ms. Landazuri had spoken to Senor Altamira about this matter when she was in Spain last summer and he gave her hope that this war would be over by March at the latest, but you see-. I have written to Senor Altamira but something in Spain now either through the channel indicated by Miss Landazuri or otherwise?
It is worth noting that the constitution of the League of Nations provides for action in such cases (see [article it] which says:)
You see that some government, itself a member of the League of Nations, must seize either the Council or the Assembly of the League of Nations. of the question.
If you can provide me with information and possibly a petition signed by Spanish personalities, to express the wish that the League of Nations will take the question in hand, by seeking a way to peace, in accordance with the honor and the interests of Spain -- but a definitive peace -- I will try to promote them.
Is it possible?
[page 3] Thank you very much for registering as an Associate Member of the League. We are very happy to receive you as such. A report from the Congress of Vienna and other printed matter will be sent to you. As soon as I have received the contribution (25.00 frs. am es) the receipt will be sent to you.
Please accept, Madam, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Signed: E. G. Balch.