Lucy Biddle Lewis to Jane Addams, March 14, 1922



Dear Miss Addams,

I have so many things I wanted to write you about I have postponed getting to it till I had a little time, but must send a short letter today at least today. 

We are to meet for lunch today Mrs. Odell coming to Phila. to make plans for the tour of the foreign women. I feel terribly over Mlle [Dejardin] since getting your note about her. I had heard of her [page 2] at the Vienna Conference and just her in my own mind in category with Mlle Mélin, never even questioned the desirability of her coming when the latter was not procurable. I do not see how we could rescind the invitation now do you? In fact I feel sure some of our group here would be furious at the suggestion & harm would come of it very difficult to overcome. They are asked for 2 months only and we will keep them very busy on our business, so I do hope nothing will happen that will put us in a bad [page 3] light. Please let me know if you think I should do anything particularly about the situation. I feel very uncomfortable over it. I think I will write to Miss Balch, but do not know if she can help us much now we have got into it. We have some great radicals in our group now & some of us are in disgrace at present and have to move cautiously. Mrs. [Huill?] & I held out against our board coming out against the "Four Power Pact" & lobbying against it. I [page 4] do not know just how you would feel about it, but we contended too many of our members could not see it as a terrible menace & felt it would be serious to take a stand against it, that individually every one must do as she felt right. I hope the vote will be taken before our Annual Meeting!

I cannot write full situation about Hoover it is long & complicated, but I would like to talk it over with you. Anna Haines is not going back at present, feels a bit badly over our working with Hoover, & that we are not quite as [page 5] sympathetic toward & understanding of the Russian government & its aims & ideas as we should be. It is a difficult & delicate situation. Hoover is frightfully sensitive over criticism & feels we have been somewhat the cause of part of what he gets or at least have not stood by him at all times. He did know only a certain amount of food could get into famine districts over present demoralized railroads, and told us & others so, & of course in [page 6] that way discouraged many groups from collecting, & in that way did damage our campaign. But I am sure, & our Com. has so expressed itself, he does not want to get us out of Russia as he is accused of, and he is cooperating in getting our food to us in proportion he gets it to sections where his groups are working. This is just a slight outline, and you can see complications about us, & realize it is not altogether smooth sailing with Mr. Hoover's decided ideas, & in many cases differing from ours. But [page 7] we are really good friends with him he expresses friendship & desire to help us and we go on.

Please let me know about your coming to Phila. could you stay with us -- we would love to have you & I certainly must have a chat.

Thank you very much for your book "Bread & Peace" just to hand. I appreciate your sending it to me and shall treasure it greatly. I looked it over last evening, & long to be able to read, just now am awfully busy. Lydia sends [page 8] her love & wishes greatly she could have seen you & shown off her sweet baby. They sail on April 1st on the Kroonland for Antwerp, where John is to meet them & they go the Vienna till July 1st.

Excuse hasty letter, I am not sure if I have remembered all I meant to say, but must soon be off.

Always your loving

Lucy Biddle Lewis