Vienna, 9. IV. 1920.
Much [honored] Miss Addams!
Under the names of the vice-presidents of the "American School Citizenship League" I found your [honored] name and address. Desolate circumstances of today force me to take the liberty to write you these lines. I am teacher on a public school (Bürger, schulleherin) and made propaganda for the peace idea since many years. Therefore I was accused through deputies in the assembly of the state and was serving years under Disciplinas-examination. Without changing my work and mind I continued to preach the doctrines of peace where and to whom I could. The friendship of our unforgotten and [irretrievable?] Baroness Suttner was my thank for the social oppressions and neglect, which I suffered through [very since chief competence?], also I received therefore letters of sympathy from England’s peace protagonists, from India by Mrs. [Besant] etc. -- Translated pamphlets of Mrs Fern-Andrews (I spoke also with this merited lady on her stay at Vienna and [held referates] over the "American School Peace League" in several school conferences here in Vienna), Mrs. Lucia Mead, Mr. T. T Clanton, Mr. Jackson H. Ralston, Mr. David Starr-Jordan, Mr. Taft and others in [favor] of the Austrian Peace Society, some books and pamphlets of the eminent Armenian Mrs. Diana Agabeg Apcar “Peace and no Peace,” “In his name” etc. for the Peace-Congress, which took no place in Vienna 1914! [page 2] This only as little remark and knowledge over my person, though I do not [else] like to speak so much about me.
Now the desolate consequences of this cursed war strike also and merely the innocents, those, who were always adverse of this men-killing. We, poor middle class and intellectual [laborers], suffer really hunger and cold! Our money does not reach for buying the necessary provisions, no milk, no eggs, no meat, no shoes etc! To a hopeful remedy appears the action of the American Relief Administration, Mission to Vienna, who will help, that we obtain [directly?] of America provisions by friends. And I had the liberty in my [distress] to write you a card and begged you through this card to send for me a food draft.
Though I cannot send you money, I will recompense your philanthropy against me with great [thankfulness], being also painters, I will send you a landscape of my pretty [poor provacative?] country. Please, write me if you prefer a view in spring, summer, autumn or winter, that I could content your taste. I hope, that you will comply with my desire, perhaps in company with same minded friends and help me for a while.
With my greatest respects
Yours sincerely