Feb. 3d 1922
My dear Mr Dodd;
I thank you very much for your kind letter and am sending you a copy of The Survey showing the changes which we were able to get into the book after the article had exposed my fearful blunders. Perhaps the chapter which follows will explain the state of mind in which we found ourselves in those momentous days!
I have read your book with the keenest interest and always regret when I cannot agree with its illuminating interpretations, I should like so much to be a consistent Wilsonian.
May I write to you later when I send you a copy of the book.
We are expecting [Manley] Hudson to dine at Hull-House on Feb. 23d. Won't you and Mrs Dodd please keep that evening for us, I will of course write to Mrs Dodd about it when it is quite certain. Again assuring you of my appreciation of your letter, I am faithfully yours
Jane Addams [signed]