Jane Addams to Brand Whitlock, December 9, 1908


Dec. 9, 1908.

My dear Mr. Whitlock:--

I see that you will be in Chicago on Tuesday, December 15, and I am writing to ask two favors. First that you will if possible spend the night in Chicago and address a meeting under the auspices of the Committee for securing municipal suffrage for women, as you know perhaps Chicago is considering a new charter, and a Committee of delegates from more than a hundred of the woman's organizations are attempting to secure provision which will extend the franchise to women. You know, of course, how much an address from you will [page 2] help us. If we know at once that you could come, we would secure a large hall and have I am sure the very best meeting of the series. Might I ask you to telegraph me in case you could consider it?

The second request is that Mrs. Whitlock and yourself will consent to be guests at Hull-House during your stay in the City. I am sure you must know how much the Juvenile Protective League and many other people admire your Turn of the Balance, and I should like to have some of them meet you, not so much, I confess, for your pleasure, as for the difference it would make in the case of [page 3] delinquents.

I will not be able to hear you on Tuesday, as I have already made a previous engagement, but I shall be much disappointed if I do not see you during your stay in the City.

Very sincerely,

 Jane Addams [signed]

Brand Whitlock, Esq.,
Toledo, Ohio.