Nov. 6, 1908.
My dear Miss Addams:-
I am so glad to hear that you are going to have a meeting to advance the interests of the American Association for Labor Legislation, and I regret exceedingly that on account of previous engagements it is not possible for me to attend the meeting. Miss Osgood has urged me to attend and I made all my plans to do so, when I remembered an engagement in Madison for Saturday. Other matters have also arisen which would keep me here.
It seems to me that the American Association for Labor Legislation has very great possibilities. There is no other institution or society, I am sure, which can so unify and bring to a head the forces in favor of sound labor legislation. If we are going to do good work we must have some society through which efforts can be unified and which also will enable us to bring to bear our combined forces at a particular time and place. We have the great advantage of being not only a national organization but a section of the International Association. We have a certain recognition on the part of the government; and I am very hopeful that the government of American states as well as the federal government will come to turn to us as European governments are to some extent already turning to the International Association which has its seat at Berne, Switzerland.
I remain,
Sincerely yours,