Levi Hollingsworth Wood to Jane Addams, April 9, 1921


April 9, 1921.

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Madam:

Under separate cover there has been sent to you a copy of the Interim Report of the Commission on Conditions in Ireland -- to you, the members of the Committee of One Hundred, from whose ranks we were chosen.

I regret very much the delay in putting this Report in your hands, but the exigencies of getting the Report to the newspapers as soon as it was printed and the absence of funds with which to distribute this Report, must be my excuse.

I hope you will be pleased with the Report, which I can assure you has been a very conscientious effort on the part of the Committee which drafted it to sift out and rely upon the first-hand, eye-witness evidence or on the sworn depositions of duly authenticated reports, public documents, etc., eliminating as far as humanly possible all hearsay evidence.

I realize, of course, that there was little cross-examination of the witnesses; but there has been so much confirmation in the public utterances of public men and admissions by the British Government in the debates in Parliament, that I think we have kept well within the truth.

If you think the Report is calculated to have a beneficial effect upon public opinion in places where that opinion is not already formed, the Commission would welcome financial assistance in a wider distribution of the Report than is at present possible.

Very truly yours,

L. Hollingsworth Wood [signed]

↑This is a form letter to all the members of the Com of 100 --↓

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