Emily Hobhouse to Jane Addams, March 17, 1921

Permanent Address
c/o Barclay's Bank Ltd
134 Brompton Road
London S.W. 3

March 17/21

My dear Miss Addams

Yours of Feb 5 introducing Mrs. Urie arrived the day after her visit -- she having been sent to me by someone else I forget whom -- and I also, having heard of her through my friend Signora Chiaraviglio-Giolitti -- had asked her to call because Miss Balch had been writing to me about the position here & I thought we had better get into touch.

As you say -- she is very pleasant and I found her most congenial -- I think too that we both take the same view broadly -- of affairs & prospects here & these we have embodied in letters to Miss Balch.

Indeed I wish the outlook was more propitious for your work, but for such work Rome seems to me more difficult than ever. Mrs. Chiaraviglio & I have discussed it up & down several times. Unfortunately the Dobelli-Zampetti left Rome some time ago. Things were very unhappy for her domestically -- and [page 2] she now lives very quietly at Alassio. I thought perhaps Florence would [be] a better or at least an easier field of work but the Chiaraviglio says that it is regarded by Italians as entirely a foreigners' town!

It seems to me a missionary is needed who speaks ready Italian & who can move from town to town & gradually educate thought.

But beyond some description of affairs as they stand here I have no right to offer an opinion & so will withhold my pen. But what I see here I see very largely in Germany also -- in Leipzig Stuttgart & Berlin [etc.].

You are very kind to invite me to join you in Vienna and for many reasons I want to go there again. There was work I was doing. But though since I left Leipzig in December I have lain quiet here in Hospital. I am still a weakling just learning to walk with a stick -- and it will take all my strength to get to England whither disquieting family news compels me to go as soon as I can. [page 3]

[I] am dreadfully anxious about my brother who is in a very strained mental condition aggravated by the world's dark condition. You see for 3 years he has been "coming round". In fact since 1917 there has been little difference in our outlook, but the realization has been bitter and I think (strictly 'entre nous') he feels he has no footing in either party but has fallen between two stools. He has turned to me again after long years and I cannot be deaf to that call -- if in any way I can help him now.

In addition -- since we saw you we are all much poorer. We are the "nouveaux pauvres". Most of us have great losses of income owing to the war besides having to pay huge income taxes which take away all the margin formerly spent on public work.

Possibly America has not yet reached this stage -- but I have been face to face with it in Austria & Germany in the professional and intellectual classes [page 4] and now we English are following [cut off]. We shall be forced to live the [most] restricted lives.

Thank you very much for the copy of your article -- I had read it in Borosini's paper -- but was very glad of this to send to my friend Dr. Schwyzer of Lucerne who is working for the League of Nations to take up food production on your lines.

But alas! I have little faith in that League.

Italy is in a very unsettled state. Most of the provincial towns are having civil wars of their own -- between Fascisti & Socialisti. The former are growing very powerful & are usually the aggressors in these fights.

If you pass through London I hope a meeting may be possible, if I may be allowed to know.

With affectionate greetings

Yours very sincerely,

Emily Hobhouse [signed]

↑I shall reach London in early May at latest.

The enclosed figures of my Leipzig schools may interest you. E. H.↓