Ellen Winsor to Jane Addams, November 29, 1920


Nov. 29th 1920.


Dear Miss Addams,

I am wondering if you will be so kind as to send letters of introduction for Miss Sophia H. Dulles of Philadelphia to the German Members of the W.I.L.? Miss Dulles is to work with the Friends to feed the German children. She is, as you know, a member of our national W.I.L. Executive Board, and has been until now, the President of the Penna Branch. Besides all these qualifications to recommend her, she is a splendid person. She worked with the Friends in France last year, and speaks French and German fluently -- and has a charming, genial personality. [page 2]

If you will be so good as to do this, I shall be glad to forward the letters, or this is her address, if you prefer sending them yourself.

Miss Sophia H. Dulles
Die Amerikanische Kinderhiefmission
Dorothea Strasse -- No. 2
Berlin N.W.

She expects to be sent all over Germany, and not to remain in Berlin.

I had a card from Mrs J. Reese Lewis yesterday from Geneva. She says the W.I.L. is very much alive and well-worth working for -- and when she comes home she wants to have meetings at once to tell everyone about it.

With best wishes,

Sincerely yours for Peace & Freedom

Ellen Winsor

P.S. on other page [page 3]

P.S. "The Peace Shop" idea is progressing. 34 members have replied to the questionnaire to headquarters that they want to work for Disarmament, so they are to be turned loose in Peace Shops. We will have everything prepared, literature, "Silent Speeches" placards, etc etc to fight Conscription and Universal Military Training. There is a horrid rumor that the U.M.T. & Conscription Bills will come up at this short session.

It is too awful to think of.

E. W.