Dear dear DEAR.
On getting your letter I telegraphed to you that we were to be away all this coming week, & now write my plans.
I have not been very well -- not ill in myself but my voice, my "beautiful voice" for wh I have been so long grateful, has somewhat failed [page 2] & at Philadelphia I had to give up seeing much & rest. For [Dr.] Helen says it is only fatigue -- So -- But I have not yet failed Mr Kennedy, & dear my lectures have, they say, been useful at just the right moment too.
Thanks to you we are with Dr. & Mrs Vincent for one night & go on this afternoon to Prof. Farnam [page 3] at New Haven. Lecture there tomorrow 1st then to Mr Woods till Monday 8th then back to New York to Professor Cunliffe at Columbia ↑8th & 9th↓. Then to Miss Righter 10th & 11th at Brooklyn -- then to Miss Spence 26 West 55th Street New York City -- who gives us an apartment as you did, while we stay in New York. I have taken passages on "Baltic" Novr 20th when we hope to leave your wonderful country.
Now when can you come? & for what? & where will you be?
My diary shows the overwhelming courtesies of every one I meet, & I am rather bewildered, & tired, but alert still & learning all the time.
My love to you -- & dear they all think you "Top dog" & many are gently wondering whether you [weren't] right abt [top of page 1] the war "[illegible] the [illegible]" as they say -- So -- God works.
Yours [illegible]
H. O. Barnett.
31-10 20