Oct. 26, 1920
Miss Jane AddamsHull House
Chicago, Ill.
My dear Miss Addams:
I am enclosing copies of two letters received yesterday from Mr. McDonald, which I believe will interest you. It looks as though it were quite probable that Lord Robert could be induced to come over and I am more than hopeful that we will be successful in getting some of the others.
Mrs. Sorchan, with whom Norman Angell is to stay a few days upon his arrival, says that he will be in New York only about four or five days and in the country four or five weeks, and that most of his time is already full with lecture engagmments. In case you would like to have him get in touch with you if he goes to Chicago, a letter would reach him care of Mrs. Charlotte H. Sorchan, 228 East 49 Street, this city.
Christina Merriman [signed]
Executive Secretary