Marion Benedict Cothren to Jane Addams, November 9, 1920

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

125 EAST 37th ST., N.Y.C. [stamped]

Nov. 9, 1920.

Miss Jane Addams,
800 S. Halsted St.,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams,

I am enclosing an advance copy of the Minutes of the last Board Meeting. A mimeographed copy will be sent later with the "demands on the League of Nations" which are to be submitted to the membership and then to President-Elect Harding. These are now being drawn up by Mrs. Hull, Mrs. Kelley and Miss Kittredge.

Also I am sending you a receipt for your check for your $25 contribution with many thanks.

Miss Balch seemed perturbed over our making the International dues extend over two years, so I moved that the motion which was made at your suggestion at the last meeting be rescinded. It seemed to me that the $1,000 which would come in from these dues would come fairly easily and would help in our quota. I hope you don't mind this change.

I notice in the last Bulletin of the League of Free Nations Association that Mr. McDonald is trying to arrange for the men you suggested to come to this country, so he evidently is working on your idea. Have you heard anything from the other side?

If anything constructive comes out of the Irish Commission, then I think that it will be most worth while. At any rate I am awfully glad that they will have your point of view on it.

Faithfully yours,

Marion B. Cothren [signed]
Exec. Secy.

P.S. Enclosed is a list of 29 new members (25 National and 4 International).