Mrs Fisher Unwin
Oct: 3 - 1920.
Dear Miss Addams,
Yesterday I posted you, registered, a packet containing copies of "The Irish Independent," and [English] "Daily News," and a booklet, "Military Rule in Ireland." These papers do not exaggerate what is now taking place in Ireland. It is not possible to exaggerate the state that country has been brought to by the military regimes under which this government has placed it. On another [page 2] sheet of paper I send you extracts from letters I have lately received from a correspondent living in Queenstown, Co Cork. I sincerely wish "The Nation" commission would send representative Americans, including yourself, to visit Ireland and see what is taking place there. For '87 & '88 I was in Ireland a good deal during the Gladstone Home rule agitation, and ↑during↓ Mr. Balfour's coercion regime, [page 3] and the state of affairs there was very serious, but it was as nothing compared to what is going on there at the present moment -- matters will go from bad to worse unless Lord French is replaced by a [Civil] Governor, and the Army of occupation is removed from that country -- In days gone by the Irish would have been sacrificed with Home rule. Now they ask -- demand -- independence. [page 4] I will send you the extracts from the letters tomorrow, today this shall go --
And believe me, with sincere regard -- very truly yours,
Jane Cobden Unwin.
"Persecution may be, as it often has been, the buttress of error, but all history proves that it can never aid the cause of Truth"