Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, August 23, 1908

Bar Harbor, Maine.

My dear Alice

I met Weir Mitchell at an afternoon tea yesterday and he spoke so interestedly about Marcet that I felt sure you would be glad to know how secure he felt about her. He seemed glad to get her away from Bryn Mawr on general principles but [page 2] not because he thought she was over nervous. I have had a fortnight of a beautiful rest here and have one week more. I took my breakfasts in bed the first week and had a splendid massage before I got up, I am much better but Mrs Bowen insists that there must be less lecturing next year [page 3] and I think she is right as I came very nearly to the end of my string in Colorado. I will be back the 8th of Sept and shall hope to see you soon. I have [trace?] of one to two possible places for Marcet in N.Y., we can talk them over with her.

Always your loving sister

Jane Addams

Aug 23d 1908

Item Relations


Miss Addams refers to S. Weir Mitchell, a physician from the University of Pennsylvania who is considered the father of neurology.   He started the "rest cure" for nervous disorders and hysteria and recommended that Marcet Haldeman discontinue her studies at Bryn Mawr in early 1908.  It sounds as if Jane was a patient, too, and perhaps an acquaintance from the days of her medical studies.  

Cathy Moran Hajo

Thanks! We have updated the transcription and linked to our entry on Dr. Mitchell.

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