Irene Osgood to Jane Addams, August 18, 1908


August 18, 1908.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago.

Dear Miss Addams:

I am wondering if the enthusiasm for starting a local section of the American Association for Labor Legislation has died out in Chicago. If not, I should be very glad to come down in a few days, to talk the matter over with you, preparatory to having [page 2] Professor Commons come later. If you desire to organize in Chicago, Professor Commons could meet a group on the afternoon of Monday, September 14th. Are you going to be at home the Saturday and Sunday of this week? I think now that will be the most convenient time for me to come, although I can easily change if you are to be away at that time.

With the happiest of memories of your little visit here this summer, I am,

Sincerely yours,

Later:- Professor Commons is a little bit uncertain about coming too Chicago, but I think we can get either him or Dr. Ely to meet a group some time in September.