Marion Benedict Cothren to Jane Addams, June 14, 1920

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

June 14, 1920.

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
800 South [Halsted] Street
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

In regard to Mrs. Templeton Johnson's checks:

The $1000 check, which I wrote you about in my letter of June 11th, was the check originally sent to Mrs Karsten. [which] Mrs. Johnson wrote and requested that it be put in the treasury to cover her $1000 pledge. This morning Mrs. Spencer sends me another check from Mrs. Johnson which seems to be for the special purpose of providing food. I have deposited this check for our account, as it was made out to the League, but do you want it paid to you for any special fund? So far as I know, I have no fund for any such purpose. Will you advise me what your wishes are in regard to this check of $500.

Faithfully yours,

Marion B. Cothren [signed]