Date May 25, 1920.
From Col. Haskell, via Constantinople
Haskell transmits his number 122 Constantinople May 22nd "Situation improving. Armenian Government troops have retaken Alexandropole. Our warehouses returned. Our provisional government has opened communication between Batoum and Tiflis. We now need flour urgently. Do not divert Sheaf Mead nor River Araxes. On contrary expedite both. Booth will handle Jomer and Lake Fiscus. If [Poldennis] is ahead of Sheaf Mead send her Batoum instead of Sheaf Mead but must have one of them. My requirements therefore include Lake Fiscus, Jomar, River Araxes and either Sheaf Mead or [Poldennis]. If other action has been taken please correct. No flour received since Chincha which arrived first March and carried only 1,000 tons for Armenia. No losses yet sustained anywhere, communication open with Armenia. I leave for Alexandropole and [Erivan] tomorrow."