Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, February 14, 1920


Sent to: Mr. Oswald Garrison Villard, 20. Vesey Street, New York.

Mr. Roger Babson, Wellesley Hill, Wellesley, Mass.

Professor Irving Fisher, 460, Prospect Street, New Haven, Conn.

Mr. E. A. Filene, 462 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Freeland Post, 2513, 12th, Street, Washington, N.W.

↑462Wash St↓

Geneva, February 14th. 1920.

Dear Miss Addams,

May I have the pleasure of introducing to you Mr. Felix Weiser of the Austrian Department of Finance? He will explain to you the mission on which he comes to America and I hope you will not only like to hear what he has in mind, but also to open to him any opportunities for enlisting interest in his object that may occur to you. I hear the finest things of his ability and character, and that he is a friend of Professor Lammasch. But he will tell you all this himself.

Always affectionately yours,

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.