Katherine Davis Cumberson to Jane Addams, January 17, 1920

California Federation of Women's Clubs
International Relations Committee

San Francisco, January 17, 1920.

My dear Miss Addams: --

I am sure you will be pleased to hear that our state campaign for the early ratification of the Treaty and League of Nations which we have been working upon for three short weeks, has come to a most glorious finish, and Dr. Aurelia Reinhardt President of Mills College leaves tomorrow for Washington with our memorial bearing twenty thousand signatures. We would have had three times that number could we have had more time, but we felt this was the hour, and it was the only time Dr. Reinhardt could give.

What gives me even more satisfaction than the work for the League, is the fact that I think I have laid a good foundation for a fine organization of our Women's International League. I think now I can get the right women to take hold of it when Mrs. Spencer comes to us this spring.

We are very anxious to give our campaign as much publicity as possible, also advertise Mills College, therefore I am sending you under another cover pictures of Dr. Reinhardt and [publicity] material asking if you will kindly turn it over to the Chicago papers that are in favor of the League, also the story of our work.

Hoping that you are enjoying the best of health, and with affectionate greeting, I am,

Most sincerely yours,

Katherine Cumberson. [signed]