The League of Nations, February 10, 1920


An International Review for the Discussion of the Problems of a Democratic League of Nations, together with a Collection of Documents relating to the Operation and Development of the Paris Covenant


Published by the Swiss-Dutch Bureau PAX

Editors: Dr. B. de Jong van Beek en Donk and Dr. E. Trösch

Bernerhof-Berne [page 2]


our fortnightly review "The League of Nations" will be considerably enlarged as to size and contents.

Without in any way lessening our predilection for it documentary section, we are also going to publish original contributions in the shape of articles by expert believers, in all countries, in a truly democratic League of Nations.

Through its original articles, our fortnightly hopes to support the efforts of those who try to unite the followers of a democratic League of Nations round a common scheme of a truly satisfactory universal League.

We do not intend going in merely for one-sided criticism of the Paris Covenant (an achievement not underrated by use); we want to attain our goal by working for a really constructive [cooperation] in striving to obtain a systematic improvement of the Covenant.

It is not, then, the foremost object of the first part of our "League of Nations" to propagate the general League of Nations ideas. This very necessary work is already done in an excellent manner by many national periodicals in various countries. It seems not urgent for us to do the same in this international magazine. The chief aim of our "discussions" part is to be one of the bridges on which the sincere and expert believers in the basic principles of a democratic League of Nations may meet to enlarge upon the best solutions of vexed questions arising from the detailed study of every single problem. [page 3]

Our list of contributors already shows the following names:

Dr. Melquiades Alvarez, Madrid.

Prof. Emily G. Balch, Geneva.

Nationalrat G. Baumberger, Zurich.

Enrico Bignami, Lugano.

Prof. E. Bise, Fribourg.

Prof. Dr. R. Broda, Geneva.

Prof. Dr. W. Burckhardt, Berne.

Prof. J. Estlin Carpenter, Oxford.

Prof. Enrico Catellani, Padova.

Dr. C. Dumba, Vienna.

Prof. Dr. Eugen Ehrlich, Berne.

Prof. Dr. D. van Embden, Amsterdam.

Lucien Le Foyer, Paris.

Dr. Alfred H. Fried, Berne.

Dr. M. Friedrichs, Lugano.

Prof. Charles Gide, Paris.

Dr. H. Haeberlin, Zurich.

Prof. Aug. Hamon, Bruxelles.

A. C. Gordon Harvey, Littleborough.

Dr. C. C. Heilesen, [Copenhagen].

Prof. George D. Herron, Geneva.

Alexander Prinz zu Hobenlohe, Zurich.

Prof. Dr. David Starr Jordan, [Palo] Alto.

Leopold Katscher, Interlaken.

Senator H. H. van Kol, Vooreschoten.

Josef Korec, Olmütz.

Prof. Dr. H. Lammasch, Salzburg.

H. Lepert, Paris.

Governor Haakon Lōken, Christiania.

Prof. Dr. J. de Louter, Hilversum.

Prof. André de Maday, Neuchātel.

H. Ch. G. J. van der Mandere, The Hague.

C. E. Maurice, London.

General W. A. T. de Meester, The Hague.

Prof. Dr. A. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Würzburg.

General Graf Max Montgelas, Berlin.

E. D. Morel, London.

Prof. Gilbert Murray, Oxford.

Rt. Hon. Lord Parmoor, London.

Miss Caroline E. Playne, London.

Prof. D. L. Quidde, München.

Hugh Richardson, Stockport.

Fr. Rüttcher, Stuttgart.

Dr. Marie de Rusiecka, Berne.

Prof. Dr. Walter Schücking, Marburg.

Dr. Pierre Sée, Paris.

Jean Sigg, Geneva.

H. Simons, Berlin.

Mrs. Philip Snowden, London.

Comte de Torre Velez, Madrid.

Charles Trevelyan, London.

Sheytin S. C. Wang, Paris.

Senator Ed Wavrinsky, Stocksund.

Nationalrat Otto Weber, St. Gallen.

Dr. Hans Wehberg, Berlin.

Prof. Dr. Fr. Weis, [Copenhagen].

Leonard S. Woolf, London.

F. Baron von Wrangel, Ascona.

Israel Zangwill, East-Preston.

Carl Zimmermann, Basel.

Prof. Dr. E. Zürcher, Zurich.

Besides introducing this new "discussions" part we will [endeavor] to steadily increase our old documentary part. [page 4]

In this part of our magazine we hope to collect:

a) all official documents and speeches, all parliamentary documents and debates, the more important resolutions of big national and international [organizations], extracts from the best articles of the various League of Nations magazines, concerning the League of Nations idea in general and the effects and development of the Paris Covenant in particular;

b) the best utterances of well-known private persons and of the World press concerning the revision of the Covenant in a democratic spirit (especially concrete practical proposals will be reproduced as completely as possible);

c) a few important utterances against the League of Nations by way of signs of the times.

All those documents will be reproduced in the original language, as far as this may be English, French or German.

By this part of our periodical we hope

1. to create, for all interested in the movement, a collection of the most important documentary utterances by way of a highly useful work of reference,

2. to facilitate the [labors] of future investigators into the development of the League idea and the spirit of our times,

3. to offer the sincere friends of the League in every country a review of the activities of their fellow-workers all over the world.

Regular national chronicles, as well as an international diary of events within the League of Nations movement may serve as a useful complement of the contents of our fortnightly.

Subscription for 1 year, 50 francs: 6 months 30 francs. The magazine will appear on the 10th. and 25th. of each month.

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