January 8th, 1920
My dear Mr. Wood:
May I write you in reply to the letter sent out by the Civil Liberties Bureau on December 31st. I should like very much, of course, to be part of the movement so much needed in the United States. But we do get a little discouraged at times about national bodies with headquarters in New York in so far as their functioning in Chicago is concerned. In any crisis it is most almost impossible to depend upon any assistance from the national body and we have found that often better results can be obtained by a local group without any outside affiliations.
I am putting this quite frankly because the situation is so grave that I am sure you will pardon my "free speech". May I express my admiration for the plans of reorganization and repeat that it would give me much pleasure to have my name used in connection with it.
Faithfully yours,
Jane Addams [signed]