Jane Addams to Wilbur Kelsey Thomas, October 2, 1919


October 2d, 1919

Dear Mr. Thomas:

Enclosed please find a letter and check for two thousand dollars sent by Miss Lasker. I wrote to her expressing my appreciation but told her that you would send formal receipts to each one of the four people contributing.

Miss Hamilton and I have been so bitterly disappointed to get no cod-liver oil into Frankfurt where the conditions among the children are so pitiful that I am going to ask you if you would be willing either to send the money or a consignment of cod-liver oil to Dr. O. Polligkeit, Centrale fur Private Fursorge, Stiftstrasse 30, H. Frankfurt [am] Main.

It may be better to do this through Dr. [Rotten] or better still through [Siegmund] Schultze at Berlin but up to date the Frankfurt people have apparently received nothing.

I know, of course, that this money ought to go into the fund which is repaying the thirty-five thousand and that it is hardly fair for me to ask that it be treated exceptionally. If you feel that this should be done I will, of course, not press my request although it is hard to tell how anxious I am that some food should be sent into Frankfurt.

Fr. Polligkeit is head of the Associated Charities there and is a man who is absolutely trustworthy and able. He has the full confidence of Herr De Nevill whom I have known for many years as a pacifist and also that of many other people in Frankfurt.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

↑P.S. Please keep the check but for a day or two. I will see Dr Hamilton on Saturday & write you ↑later↓.↓