↑Chrystal Macmillan has gone to Madrid to help arrange a I.W.S.A. meeting there next year. I am helping her to help start a Spanish section of our League.↓
December fourth, 1919,
Dear Miss Addams, There is so much to write that I don't write anything. There has been a great gap in American Mails. On the 24 I had a cable from Miss Cheever (who should have arrived the 23) that she was not coming after all but there has been no word since to tell me whether she is ill or what. I am also most anxious to hear about the American meeting.
I understood that the arrangements with Fraulein Heymann for a German edition of the News Sheet were complete but there was a misunderstanding (all most friendly) and I learned this too late to change and so am having to bring out a separate German edition myself later. I hope you will think the Nov. News Sheet an improvement over earlier issues. There are lots of little complications about it all I won't bother you about.
We are quite a staff now. Miss Moore ↑arrived Nov. 18↓ as a result of efforts for six weeks was at last permitted to enter Sw'd -- the difficulty, as is came out at last, was a desire to have us employ Sw. stenographers not import them! She is proving a jewel and the poor old report is moving. She has to sail from Marseilles Jan. 10, if only we can get it done before she goes! Then on Nov. ↑Oct. 3↓ Frau Nettelbeck blew in and is writing German letters and translating not too well. And the next day came a Dutch lady Dr. de [page 2] Bordes who is taking care of the library for us and also helping the Union Mondiale de Femmes (Madame d'Arois) which is nice, keeping us in touch. Then last week walked in, similarly unannounced, a member of our British section a Miss Thornton who, as well as I understand, came to Geneva expressly to work with us. She will be very useful. But the touching faith of people that if the turn up some afternoon I shall have suitable employment all ready for them. It is like running a settlement. Miss Moore is using the room I had ready for Miss Cheever, she moved in the next day. I enjoy having her with me and it is very [cozy], especially as the weather has been mild, and often pleasant, for some weeks.
Mrs Swanwick writes that if the EX. COM. meeting in May suited you best -- as I imagined it would, that is then rather than earlier - she would in that case try to come over beforehand for a week or two but she would want to get home not later than the middle of May.
I will write again when I think you have had time to recover from this one ↑letter↓ and am now and always affectionately yours,
I meant to say also that last weekend Mlle Gobat and I went to Zurich to the annual meeting of the Swiss section, to whom I was invited to speak about the work of this office. It went off pleasantly but I get the impression of a group neither numerous nor powerful. They voted, 31 to 7, that Swiss ought to enter the L. of N. Frau Ragaz nearly foreswore Mlle Gobat, it seems, because the latter wrote purely individual article, somewhere, taking the contrary position. Some people here are white with terror thinking the whole financial [fabric] is going to collapse if the U.S. pulls out from under. When things too dreadful [written up left margin] are prophesied I react like the Scotch woman after a demon in Hell "It can nae be so bad as that. Nobody could stand it."