December 16th, 1919
My dear Mr. Trueblood:
The clipping you sent me shows all the inaccuracies of the unauthorized newspaper statement. There was no cancellation of a "projected tour of Ohio" for the simple reason that one had never been arranged.
I am enclosing a clipping from a Cleveland paper in regard to my address before the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce at noon of the day when I addressed the German-American group. Next month I am to speak in Ohio under the auspices of the YMCA first in Columbus and then in Cincinnati where I also address the City Club.
Of course we have constantly encountered the statement made by the American soldiers that they had found no destitution in the occupied area. That may be quite true but it in no way affects the conditions in Saxony and other parts of Germany which we carefully investigated.
I am sure you know I am not sending the clipping because I am especially interested in coming to Indianapolis but I am interested in the [page 2] whole question involved in the subject of your letter and personally believe that a dignified and careful presentation of the German situation is one of the most valuable things the Society of Friends can do at the present time.
I feel that the two invitations to speak again in Cleveland, received ↑for American organizations↓ since my last address there, indicated that there was ↑not↓ a great deal of antagonistic feeling aroused.
Thanking you for your kind letter, I am
Faithfully yours,
May I ask you to return the enclosed clipping. I have received none of the sort from [Romeike] although he does not hesitate to send all sorts.