December 18, 1919
My dear Mr Thomas:
I am sending you rather a rag bag today. First in case you receive a letter from Mr Trueblood, I am sending you a copy of what I wrote to him. Also two checks. As I sent you Miss [Royds'] cable about Trieste, I am sending you Mr Hoover's explanation. An enclosed letter of Miss Hobhouse may possibly be suggestive for future work, although it is of course impossible at this moment. I am constantly being approached in regard to the Siberian prisoners, by various Germans who are in distress ↑& am sending something on that↓.
A Chicago group of German Americans have just told me that they will not cooperate with anything allied with Mr Hoover, because of the things he said about Germany! Of course it is an absurd position to take, but there you are. Another group has just sent a thousand dollars to Switzerland for the relief of German children. I suspect we will have to depend largely upon our fellow countrymen.
I was disappointed in Cleveland's macaroni!
Faithfully yours,
Jane Addams [signed]