Rudolf Broda to Jane Addams, August 22, 1919

Ligue pour la Défense de I'Humanité et pour I'Organisation de son Progrès
Bund für Menschheitinteressen und Organisierung menschlichen Fortschritts
Lausanne, le August 22nd 1919.
3, Jumelles
Madam Jane Addams
Hull House

Dear Madam,

Dr. [Nasmyth] of the World Peace Foundation encourages us to present you the program for a new daily paper to be established at the seat of the League of Nations and devoted to its interests. The Friends of our ideal all over the world shall be the supporters of the paper -- in an intellectual as well as in a material way.

Would you kindly help us?

We thank you in advance for any kind interest you may give to our undertaking and remain

dear Madam

Yours very sincerely:

R Boda [signed]