My dear Lady
You are certainly good to our poor Isadore. We don't want to impose him upon you only to let him feel that he has a friend in N.Y. in case of direst need.
Sister Kelley certainly is depleted and we wish with all our hearts that we could keep her here for the rest of the winter. She sleeps a great deal and is certainly content for the moment.
She is first on the housekeeping [page 2] plan and there is certainly nothing to do but to let her try it. She wants so much to get all of Margaret's things about her. Isn't she touching in her [dependence]? When are you coming to see us, it seems a long time since you were in H. H.
With love to your household and my heartfelt thanks for all your goodness to Sister Kelley I am always affectionately yours
Jane Addams
Jan'y 6" 1906