Aletta Henriëtte Jacobs and Rosa Manus to Jane Addams, December 8, 1917


↑Copies of this letter are ↑being↓ sent c/o Mrs. Thomas & Miss [Breckinridge].↓

December 8th. 1917.

Miss Jane Addams,
President of the I.C.W.P.P.,
Hull House, Chicago.
Ill. U.S.A.

Dear Miss Addams,

We hope you will have received the cable which was sent to you on December 7th. and which runs: "Can you send cash by cable [else] obliged close central bureau. Letter follows. Jacobs -- Manus". You will see by the enclosed financial statement that till the 1st. of December our funds diminished till F. 535.44½, so that we cannot even print the next number of the "Internationaal". Everything, as paper, printing, office-expenses, etc., gets more expensive every day. What must we do? We rented the office for a year at least and engaged our secretary also for a year and we have not even money enough to pay after January. As you will see from the Financial Statement only Great Britain sent us a donation in the last half year.

As we do not know if all our letters to you reach you because we did not receive a letter from you since January 24th. 1917 we can tell you that if the Scandinavian and Swiss ladies can obtain passports they will be here at the end of December for the proposed conference of neutrals. We hope the Preliminary Program for that meeting has reached you. If these ladies arrive in Amsterdam we are obliged to pay their [traveling] expenses as you cabled us to do, so that then our last penny will be spent.

The following telegram we received from Hungary: "Erste [große] Versammlung ungarischer Frauen nach russischem Friedensangebot bittet um dringende Verständigung der Schwestern aller Länder. Sie mögen für sofortigen Beginn der Verhandlungen im Sinne Haager Resolutionen energisch eintreten. Vilma Glücklich."  We answered that there was not enough money left to send this telegram telegraphic to all countries, but that we sent it by letter; and from Switzerland we received a telegram which runs: "Schweizer Gruppe schlägt vor internationales Komitee richte telegrafische Bitte [page 2] an sämtliche kriegsführende Regierungen russischen Vorschlag für Waffenstillstand und allgemeiner Friedenskonferenz anzunehmen. Drahtantwort erbeten. Passangelegenheit für neutrale Delegiertenkonferenz nach Weihnachten noch unbeantwortet wegen doppelter Grenzpassage und Rückreisschwierigkeiten. Vorschlagen statt Amsterdam Berlin für Delegiertenkonferenz. [Grüße]. Erismann, Gobat, Ragaz, Woker." We answered that it would be impossible to call the proposed meeting at Berlin, as we should not be allowed to pass the frontier with the documents and papers wanted for this meeting and further that it would be quite impossible to hold a Conference of neutral countries in one of the countries at war, as then the meeting would lose its neutral character in the present international politic matters. Re their proposal to send a telegram to the different warring [governments] for a truce and Peace Conference after the Russian proposal we answered that "Dr. Jacobs and Rosa Manus are not allowed to take such measures without the sanction of the members of the Board." We would like to hear as soon as possible your opinion [hereabout].

You can fully understand that the money difficulties worry us immensely.

Hoping to receive soon a [favorable] answer,

Yours sincerely,

[A H] Jacobs [signed] Acting President.

Rosa Manus [signed] Secretary.

A copy of this letter is being sent to Miss Macmillan, ↑Miss Balch, Thora Daugaard, Anna Kleman, Martha Larsen, Eva [Moltesen] as officers.↓

The Glucklich telegram reads:

“First large assembly of Hungarian women after Russian peace offer asks for instant rapprochement between the sisters of all countries. They may vigorously advocate the immediate start of negotiations in the sense of the Hague resolutions. Wilma Glücklich.”

The telegram from Switzerland reads:

“Swiss group suggests the international committee sends telegraphic request [page 2] to all belligerent governments to accept Russian proposal for ceasefire and general peace conference. Telegraphic reply requested. Passport matter for neutral delegates conference after Christmas still unanswered due to double border passage and return trip difficulties. Propose Berlin instead of Amsterdam for delegates conference. Regards. Erismann, Gobat, Ragaz, Woker.”