Address to the Chicago Institute, June 21, 1901



Miss Jane Addams Says They Do Not Accomplish Original Aims.

At the exercises that closed the school year of the Chicago Institute Friday Miss Jane Addams of Hull House delivered an address on "Education and Labor."

"I have very little hope," said Miss Addams, "for the education of the factory [employee] and the man who labors with his hands. I [cannot] see from where help is coming under modern educational methods, unless it comes from the adaptive educational method of such schools as the Chicago Institute. Every large city has schools founded especially in the interest of working children. But institutions like the Armour Institute in Chicago, the Drexel Institute in Philadelphia, and the Peter Cooper institute in New York do no accomplish what their founders intended. Their purpose was not to lift the laboring man above his level, but to broaden his horizon and to make his life fuller and happier."

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