Denver, Colorado, June 18th, 1906.
Hon. Julian W. Mack,
Circuit Court, Chicago, Ill.
My dear Judge Mack:-- Enclosed is a list of names, containing all those that have been suggested to me by different people interested in our conference. I was especially glad to note that the little friction existing in certain quarters which I observed a year or two ago was dying out; and it seemed to me that it might help things along that line if I offered Hurley a place on the Committee, [although] he may not accept. I want to do this, but of course, I do not want to do anything that would make more friction. While I have not included names here merely because they represented other organizations, it did seem to me that that is a reason, necessarily, among other reasons, for their consideration. Mrs. Schoff, as your know, is President of the National Mothers Congress, and has done much to advance the juvenile work in Pennsylvania and other places. Rev. Wm. Byron Forbush is one of the leading spirits in the new national federation of Boys' Clubs and the Editor of a very interesting quarterly called "Work with Boys." Miss [Lillian] Wald of course you know; also Luther Gulick and Homer Folks. Joseph Lee of Boston, was strongly recommended and Dr. A. E. Winship is the editor of the Journal of Education and one or two other educational papers, is a lecturer of considerable prominence and a man who, to my certain knowledge, has spread the gospel of the juvenile court to great advantage in his lectures in the last few years. I think you are familiar with the other members of the committee.
I am writing a short letter to Miss Addams and enclosing her a copy of this letter to you, which really might have been a joint letter.
I would like very much to have any suggestions you would care to make. I am very anxious to have a Committee that will bring about a harmonious and helpful attitude, and will join in this federation of childrens' societies, in such a way as to assure its success, and accomplish the good [we hope] it may accomplish.
With kindest regards, I am
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Miss Jane Addams, Hull-House, Chicago.
Hon. Julian W. Mack, Judge Juvenile Court, Chicago.
Hon. T. D. Hurley, Chicago.
George L. Sehon, Louisville, Kentucky.
J. J. Kelso, Toronto, Canada.
Max Senior, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Hon. William H. DeLacy, Washington, D.C.
Mrs. Hannah K. Schoff, Philadelphia, Pa.
Rev. Wm. Byron Forbush, New York City.
Miss [Lillian] Wald, New York City.
Jacob A. Riis, New York City.
Luther Gulick, New York City.
Homer Folks, New York City.
Joseph Lee, Boston, Mass.
A. E. Winship, Boston, Mass.
Edward W. Frost, Milwaukee.
Mrs. Hattie Van Wyck, Milwaukee.
Mrs. Benton McMillan Nashville, Tenn.
Mrs. Sarah Platt Decker, Denver, Colo.