Elizabeth Severance Ramsey Arrott to Jane Addams, June 14, 1917

Sewickley, Pa.
June 14-1917

My dear Miss Addams:

I was reading the most ridiculous article concerning you and your ideas in the N.Y. Herald. I really never realized, as keenly, before what William James meant, in his "Pragmatism," of [page 2] the "tough minded" and "tender minded." The Herald could no more understand your point of view than a Rocky Mountaineer could understand one <of> James' articles. It is certainly too bad that the thinking people have to be so submerged by the "mob." I suppose there [page 3] is nothing to do but wait for the [reaction], that always comes after these hysterical bursts of patriotic madness -- a regular witches Sunday of emotion. It seems to me that something might be done if the women were to band together & say this war must stop, we refuse to let our men go to this slaughter. The men have made such a mess of the world, & are utterly helpless; I really [believe] it would be a relief to them if it could be done. You are probably the "biggest" woman in America. Do you think such a movement could be started? It is too much for the men, they cannot see any way, but the cowardly way of killing.

Sincerely yours

(Mrs Wm) Lyde R Arrott.

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