Dearest lady.
Well it was detestable of Judge Carter, wasn't it, but men are going to be that way from now on, as long as the war lasts, and please don't let yourself mind it. I could slay anyone who hurts you, but I do hope you are not letting it hurt. Read John Bright's life and see how people treated him for opposing a war not one hundredth so terrible as this. I feel so sure that blows like this are coming pretty often to you that I long to have you develop a sort of protective covering so that they will not hurt you. I want you to keep on saying things even more positively, no matter what you are called, for in the end it will count.
I did not do anything about Mr. Gavit's letter because I did not know what could be done. It is clear that he and Mr. Lippmann both are willing to take stuff if it is what they want, but that are not willing to pledge themselves to take anything from unknown people. And of course you cannot guarantee the Allens, you have no idea how able they are and you do know that they are quite inexperienced.
I have finished my New York part of the [airplane] inquiry and this morning [page 2] Clara and I are starting for Hartford to buy household supplies and then to go on down the river to Hadlyme Landing. Clara came to me after the Bryn Mawr reunion and as Mabel Kittredge had to go down to her country place to get it in order for her tenants, Clara could stay here. We have had very good times, she and Norah and I, in the intervals of work. If only the weather would change. Mother and Margaret and Edith are to motor up and reach us Sunday evening, so we shall have time to get the house in some sort of shape, and I have had our nice German waitress come on to help. I do want to give Mother a good impression of it all.
I lunched with Billy Hard and his wife the other day, and heard the most sickening war talk I have ever heard in this country. It sounded like the Daily Mail at its worst. Really he is too bad and she is just a little worse. And yet they are just as affectionate and he spoke with the nicest feeling about you. Then I dined with the Crolys and Jesse Williams. They were all three what I should call pacifistically minded but under the obsession of the fatality of this war. Herbert Croly was the most optimistically inclined man I have talked to. He feels sure the war will not last the winter. Jesse's oldest boy, just eighteen, ran away to join the Navy and is now in Newport. Every friend I have here has sons or nephews in the service, and the lack of enthusiasm is striking. Mrs. Croly told me she thought there was a very decided reaction against the war already.
Please give much love and sympathy to Mrs. Bowen. I am so very sorry she has [page 3] had a return of her trouble.
Please don't bother over militaristic idiots, even when they are federal judges.
[Affectionately] always
Alice [signed]