Sanford Cecil Rich & Charles Ford Wylie to Jane Addams, June 10, 1917

420 Yosemite Ave.,
Fresno, California,
June 10, 1917.
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

We are writing you with the hope that you will assist us in our stand as conscientious objectors. We are boys of the selective age, with convictions that our higher duty is to serve mankind constructively.

This same type of young manhood can be found scattered throughout our land -- and we believe they are worthy your hearty consideration and help. As individuals they are helpless, but with your aid and that of others, they can be saved from uselessly wasting their lives in action for which they are mentally unfit -- to work unceasingly for mankind at a time when such as these will be needed.

Do you know if there is a movement afoot to sustain these boys in their stand; if there is not, can we not start one?

Believing in you and your work, we are,

Very sincerely yours,

Sanford C. Rich. [signed]
Chas. F. Wylie. [signed]

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