Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, April 22, 1901


My dear Alice

Why don't you leave Marcet at Cedarville for various little visits and come to see me either at Chicago or at the Summer School at Rockford? I am going to be in these parts all summer. Weber, we hope, will be at home in a few weeks, but of course it is better that he should be very quiet this summer. We could go up to Cedarville, from here or <from> Rockford and any time affairs did not [page 2] seem prosperous, we could take Marcet back with us. I should very much like a visit and as the House will be rather empty this summer I think that you could keep cool -- at any rate there is always the lake and excursions to take to.

We are going to have a lot of building this summer and it will not be possible for me to be away.

We are having a charming visit from Prince Kropotkin, and I am most regretful that I [page 3] have to leave before he does. I go to New Orleans and after a week of loafing back to St Louis.

I am sorry you are feeling badly. I have been having a little trouble with my kidneys lately with the [secondary] heart symptoms you describe -- we will have to compare notes this summer, Dr Edwards tells me that it does not mean anything serious so we can both be cheered by that -- With love to Marcet and hoping to see you both soon I am always your loving sister

Jane Addams