Lake Placid -- N.Y. 5.30 P.m
Here I am in a comfortable room at the American House with a feather bed -- I have carefully examined it.
It may have been the rail or the pepsin gum which Mr Gay had chewed companionably all the way over, but my asthma was not bad and the coughing I am indulging in at the present moment isn't as hard as that of this morning. We reached here exactly at 5.05 by the station clock when we left my berth. The drive over is as beautiful much of the way as the Keene Valley drive itself, substituting [page 2] ↑a chain of↓ brooks & lakes for the dear river. Mr Gay points out the exact spot of Mrs Davis Dewey's fearful fall with all the details, it is positively blood curdling but my ↑blood↓ flows warm again when we see John Brown's farm and the flag floating over his grave. I always had a secret sympathy with his impatience and his determination that something should happen about it. I suppose the first martyrs for economic slavery will come from the city ↑if it depends on impatience I might be one!↓! See Chesterton! Dearest you have been so heavenly good to me all these weeks. I feel as if we had come into a healing domesticity which we have never had before and as if it were the best our affection had offered us. Do you? [page 3] The night train leaves at 8.05 reaches Buffalo at 8.45 and it seems much more comfortable and certain than the much changing which tomorrow involves, so that I am going on tonight.
Lake Placid 8. P.M
Have had rather a horrid supper and a very delightful walk so far as scenic effect of sunset, lake, & mountains, were concerned, as for as other things go my heart was heavy and I was fair to middling homesick -- at any rate I am not going to stay in the Adirondacks a single night if I can't stay with you.
My love to sister Eleanor.
Always ys. J. A.