Donald Angus McQueen to Jane Addams, February 22, 1917


2034 W 111th, Chicago,

Feb 22 1917

Miss Jane Addams,

Dear Madame,

It has occurred to me that in the [absence] of any publicity for the peace advocates, some concerted action to show the existence of a real sentiment is necessary. In addition to protest [meetings] which are apt to be disregarded as not being truly [representative], why would not a memorial presented to the president and signed by representative people be effective? It could also be circulated for general signatures [if] desired. I enclose a form which is merely a suggestion, but I believe that Mr Wilson really does not wish war and if he saw a way out would accept it. He has reached a point where he must either eat his words or fight. I do not think that he wishes to do either. If I were in his place I would welcome the referendum as the best way out.

I sent a copy of the draft to Mr Moore, Mrs Karsten and Rev J L Jones.

Yours truly,

D. A. McQueen [signed]