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Government of the United States
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Anonymous ("An American native born Anarchist") to Jane Addams, October 1, 1901
A National Children's Bureau and a National Investigation of the Labor of Women and Children, December 14, 1906
National Protection for Children, January 1907
Wolves That Prey on Women, January 9, 1908
Address on the Children's Bureau, January 21, 1909
The Progressive Party and the Protection of Immigrants, August-September 1912
The Steps by Which I Became a Progressive, September-October 1912
Philanthropy and Politics, September 18, 1912
Protect Our Immigrants is Jane Addams' Plea, September 28, 1912
Jane Addams Tells of Progressive Plans to Protect the Immigrants, September 29, 1912
Alexander Jeffrey McKelway to Jane Addams, October 5, 1912
Jane Addams Relates the Steps by Which She Became a Progressive, October 12, 1912
The Progressive's Dilemma: The New Party, November 1912
The Communion of the Ballot, November 24, 1912
The Protection of Immigrants, January 17, 1913
Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, January 17, 1913
Paul Underwood Kellogg to Louise de Koven Bowen, April 12, 1913
Miss Addams, May 1913
Interview with George Perkins, December 1913
Tentative Recommendations Affecting Women in Industry, 1914
Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, September 11, 1914
Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, September 15, 1914
Is the Peace Movement a Failure?, November 1914
Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence to Carrie Chapman Catt, November 2, 1914
Anna Garlin Spencer to Jane Addams, January 18, 1915
Flo Jamison Miller to Jane Addams, February 1, 1915
Towards the Peace That Shall Last, March 6, 1915
Michael D. Collins to Jane Addams, May 2, 1915
Mary Leitch and Margaret Winning Leitch to James Levi Barton, August 30, 1915
Ethical Economics, September 1, 1915
Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, September 29, 1915
World's General Welfare Association Poster, October 5, 1915
Mabel L. Hyers to Rosita Holdsworth, November 3, 1915
Address to the Woman's Peace Party, January 9, 1916
Testimony Before the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, January 11, 1916
Questions for Neutrals, February 1916
Statement of Miss Jane Addams Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, December 12, 1916
Cassen Eugene Parsons to Jane Addams, February 7, 1917
Charles A. Love to Jane Addams, March 2, 1917
Paul James Gerberding to Jane Addams, March 21, 1917
Jennie Lewis Frazier Fiske to Jane Addams, March 21, 1917
Suggestions for Work in War Time, May 1917
Katherine Elizabeth Sihler to Jane Addams, May 1, 1917
Referendum on Financing the War, May 12, 1917
Pan Preparedness, May 15, 1917
Alvey Augustus Adee to Jane Addams, April 27, 1920
John Szlupas to Jane Addams, June 9, 1920
The Greatest Free Speech Trial of the War, February 1921
Warren Gamaliel Harding to Jane Addams, February 20, 1921
Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, February 23, 1921
Browse all documents that mention "Government of the United States"
Sweet, Ada Celeste (1852-1928)
William Jennings Bryan to the Officers of the U.S. Embassy & Consulates (Netherlands), April 7, 1915
Note of Introduction for Jane Addams, April 7, 1915
Proposed message to U.S. government, February 6, 1917
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