Richard Theodore Ely to Jane Addams, June 16, 1904


June 16, 1904.

Dear Miss Addams:-

I have just written a letter to Miss Culver telling her about our investigations. The institution which we have established by the way, we have decided to call the American Bureau of Industrial Research. I [wish] that Miss Culver could see her way clear to give it a permanent endowment for [I am] sure that such an institution entirely disconnected with the government or with any other institution can accomplish a great deal and that it is a [permanent] field of usefulness in the scientific investigation of industrial questions. If you have any convenient opportunity to speak to Miss Culver I shall be very glad and I shall be glad also if you will tell her something about the University of Wisconsin.

I trust that you left us feeling that the state university has a special mission.

Faithfully yours,

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

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