Jane Addams et al. to Curtis Publishing Company Board of Directors, January 23, 1917

"To the Board of Directors,
The Curtis Publishing Company,
Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear Sirs: --

May we have the privilege of presenting formally and personally to the Curtis Publishing Company Board at the earliest possible date, the proposal which Miss Eastman informally laid before Mr. [Ludington] last Thursday?

We realize that the proposal is an unusual one and has no possible commercial explanation or excuse. But we sincerely believe that one of the great opportunities perhaps of this century, to serve the cause of civilization and progress the world over, is within your reach.

Very sincerely yours,

Special Committee to
Promote the Hensley
(Jane Addams
(Paul U. Kellogg
(Owen R. Lovejoy
(Oswald Garrison Villard
(Lillian D. Wald
(Zona Gale
(Signed) Crystal Eastman