Nov. 24, 1916
Dear Madam:
As you know, the National Federation of Settlements determined last Spring to make a study, under the direction of the Children's Bureau at Washington, of the Pre-Adolescent Girl to follow up the work begun in the Study of the Adolescent Girl and continued in the Study of the Adolescent Boy.
I was made Chairman of that Committee and had hoped to get started very early in the summer. We have been delayed, however, in preparing the schedule and now the time is very short. I am, therefore, asking the Head of each Settlement to do his or her utmost in the time that is left to make this study of real value.
Will you help by carrying out the following suggestions at your very earliest convenience and communicating the results of your efforts to me?
1. Will you notify me at once who will be the person in your Settlement responsible for your share of the work and with whom I may correspond?
2. Will you get in touch at once with the other Settlements in your city and organize a Committee that will meet at least twice a month through the winter to discuss the various phases of the work and to stimulate interest?
3. Will you begin work on each topic of the study as promptly as you can after you receive it and do the best that you can to finish that particular topic within the month?
The study is designed to cover six topics, one each month through December, January, February, March, April and May.[page 2]
As the study of each topic is finished, the material should be sent in so that during the month of June there will be left only the material collected in May to get into shape.
If we can follow this plan we shall be able to turn over to Miss Lathrop of the Children's Bureau on July 1st, the expiration of the allotted time, the results of the winter's work fairly well organized.
Assuring you of my very earnest desire to cooperate in every particular and to make the work the greatest possible success, and inviting in return your most cordial service, I am
Sincerely yours,
Harriet E. Vittum [signed]